THE 1004S


If you to let us know about your music, get in touch by dropping us an email at

If you're looking for a gig, email us at

We've had the great fortune of working with many great people - artists and musicians, promotors, venue owners - since we started. Here's a quote about what we do (refresh the page for another random quote!):

What can I say about Evo4? They put on kick-ass events for some of the best new bands and musicians around - what's more everyone involved does it all in their own time, without expecting a damn thing in return, with all profits going to a charity or cause depending on the circumstances of the event. Best part is, anyone can be a part of it - from bands to people who like music and just want to do something worthwhile. Go drop them a line for more info!LJ (Alternative Promotions)


previous events


We thought we would change things up a bit from our recent hippy fests, and brought you a slice of summer. Our eclectic lineup managed to cover just about every genre you would ever want to listen to, all wrapped up in a shiny, warm, acoustic package for you to enjoy.


On 20th July 2013 we hosted One Night In Rio, at The Rio Cafe. Seven fantastic artists played and it was the perfect cool down to a hot, hot day. Megan D, Nik Garcia, Sophie Rogers, Martin Livingstone, Christine Bovill, Genesee, CS Buchan and Friends.

evo4 promotions

Evo4Promotions is based in Glasgow. It was inspired by a love of local bands and good company. We do this for the love of fun, not money.

We're always looking to promote new artists. If you want to get in touch with us, contact us via email, Facebook or Twitter.


We are always looking for people who are passionate about music. Check out our vacancies section.

Here's a song we recommend you listen to